Each year, more than 2,000 students from many Alaskan communities participate in a truly one-of-a-kind event: the NYO and JNYO games.
This year, experience the celebration of community and athleticism at the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage, Alaska. The 2014 NYO games will be held April 24-26.
Come support students from across Alaska as they compete in traditional contests, such as the Alaskan High Kick, Seal Hop, and many more.
The NYO prides itself on being open to students of all backgrounds and hopes to foster in its participants the values of teamwork, leadership, respect, and physical fitness.
If you live in the Anchorage area, tryouts for the Anchorage team are April 5-6 at Clark Middle School. There is no limit on the number of athletes a school can send to the games, so don’t hesitate to try out if you have any interest. The first and second place finishers for each event will form two teams to compete at the NYO games April 24-26.
The senior NYO games are open to Alaska students in grades 7-12. Each event is limited to one boy and one girl athlete per event, per school.
If you’re interested in learning more about NYO events, contact the NYO head officials Sam Strange and Nicole Johnston at sstrange@citci.org and njohnston@citi.org.
The 2014 NYO Games Alaska are hosted by the Cook Inlet Tribal Council.
From all of us at the Anchorage office of Kelley & Canterbury LLC, we hope to see you supporting tomorrow’s leaders at the 2014 NYO Games Alaska!
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