New Year’s Eve is a special time in Anchorage, Alaska. It’s a night of celebration and true wonder. With the exception of Hawaii, we are the last U.S. … [Read more...]
Only 89 Percent of Alaskans Wear Their Seat Belt
Seat belts save lives. It’s really that simple. Unfortunately, there is still a percentage of Alaskans that choose not to buckle up. As an … [Read more...]
Alaska Winter Driving Preparation
With snow already falling in Anchorage, Alaska, we all need to begin preparing for winter driving if precautions have not already been taken. As an … [Read more...]
True or False: A Criminal DUI Case Means No Claim In Civil Court
This summer, Anchorage released a devastating statistic: four alcohol-related traffic deaths in two months. An article in the Alaska Dispatch … [Read more...]
Great Alaska Shootout
Who’s ready for some hoops this winter? The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Seawolves are hosting the Great Alaska Shootout November 26th, 2013 … [Read more...]
Texting While Driving Endangers Fellow Drivers
Distracted drivers contribute yearly to thousands of deaths in the U.S. According to the Alaska State Troopers website, distracted drivers in 2009 … [Read more...]
Christmas Tree Elegance Gala
The Christmas Tree Elegance Gala, held on November 23 at the Downtown Marriott Hotel, is a fundraiser for the Eva Foundation, which assists abuse … [Read more...]
Alaska Zoo Hosts “Zoo Boo”
Trick-or-treating gets wild this October 31–family fun style! This Halloween, the whole family can enjoy an evening at the zoo, which will be … [Read more...]
Is Mechanical Failure a Complete Bar to Personal Injury Recovery?
In Connecticut, parents had just placed their kids on a rotating swing ride when it experienced a serious malfunction, stopped rotating, and collapsed … [Read more...]
Anchorage College and Career Fair set for Oct. 20-21
It’s hard to rival the opportunities for personal and intellectual growth offered by the college experience – newfound independence, intellectual … [Read more...]